aya's veggie-ful food blog from okinawa since 2013
and from europe since 2019


grocery shopping & time travel

today was the second day of the three day weekend in japan (oh this sounds so deja vu with yesterday's entry). the biggest event of the day, besides doing huge loads of laundry, treadmilling at the gym with slight shortness of breath (ah!), and taking a nap, was grocery shopping (clap clap clap). for a person whose joy lies in the act of grocery shopping (yes that's me), it was a good day.

went to a store in the ishikawa district of uruma-city, driving across a sugar cane field in the dark (no street lights whatsoever) for about 10-15 min.

okinawan clamentines are pretty small and powerful at the same time. i recommend you eating them just to spice up or when you gotta stay awake.

yes, famous spam. hardly eat meat so they are the world of unknown. surely famous that's fo sho.

at the store, there were so many vintage and retro designs around. in particular, these bread can certainly take you back to the showa period. i began to think that okinawa must be a special place where you could travel in time. since i was a chicken, i just took pictures.

1. kenko pan ( = health / healthy bread)
2. melon pan:  SUPER BLACK MELON (left) and ULTRA MELON (right)
3. nakayoshi pan ( = good friend bread): full size and half size available

well, after we came home, tried some traditional okinawan desert & drink: jimami tofu & genmai (brown rice) drink. hmmm, quite interesting.

happy time travel and sweet dreams. nite.