a box of beautiful yamagata grapes traveled from the far north to the far south. whoopeeee. this year we received olphe (オルフェ), shine muscat (シャインマスカット), seto giants (瀬戸ジャイアンツ), and red pizzutello (紅ピッテロ). once you pop these grapes in your mouth, oh you are in heaven. thank you!
as one of our weekend to-dos, we did laundry. when we went to the laundry room, there was a student doing his homework. he said all those sounds of washing machines and dryers help him concentrate. i couldn't agree more.
kazuto and i studied at the campus library, which is now open 24/7.
went for a night drive by the coast to yomitan village (読谷村). there were many lodges and guest houses facing the ocean. lovely. the first star of the evening was shinning bright in the eastern sky.
here it goes: night cruising by fishmans (1995)
we had dinner at SEASIDE DRIVE-IN in onna village, okinawa's first drive-in restaurant opened in 1965. one step into the restaurant, you would be transported back to the 60s / 70s. the food (especially the soup), juke box music, and the entire atmosphere of the restaurant was so like the old days. magical!
have a great nite. or day.