aya's veggie-ful food blog from okinawa since 2013
and from europe since 2019


yanbaru trip: daiseki rinzan & cape hedo

today we headed to the north. the farthest north of the island. we've been told it's lovely up there so we were longing to visit. yup, today was the day. let's go breathe and immerse in the nature!

it was mostly cloudy with showers. like always, the sun came out ooooonce in a while. that's what i like about the okinawan weather. there's always a chance for the blue sky.

michi-no-eki ogimi (大宜味村の道の駅). ogimi village is known for longevity.

yui-yui kunigami (ゆいゆい国頭) in kumigami village, a nice stop-over for tourists for okinawan survenirs and eat-ins. we had lunch there.

okinawa rail (やんばるくいな) doing weight lifting. go!

wow for the deep mountains. the ocean on our left and the mountains on our right.

now at daiseki rinzan大石林山), which is a hiking trail located in the northernmost area of okinawa island. according to some japanese mythology, the god named 'amamikiyo' first arrived and created the okinawa island starting this site. ever since then, daiseki rinzan has been respected as a holy place with profound and primitive nature still growing strong.



kazuto receiving the power from the stone!?

the view from the observatory! we could see the northmost point!


there were so many rocks and stones inside daiseki rinzan. here i am walking under a "reborn" rock (生まれ変わりの石). this rock is said to make you forget the past if you go under it the first time, then, reset yourself as you go the second time, and finally you are born new the third time.


生まれ変わったかずとくんジャジャーン!!! ・・・・ うん

also there were many old big banyan trees (がじゅまる) at the site.




and finally, our destination of the day! the farthest north point: hedo misaki (辺戸岬).


the total distance we drive was 150 km!!! 

we took a little break at mister donut @ aeon mall in nago city. been a while since i last came to mister donut.... surprised that their coffee and latte are free refill. ....... ah, yes, ate two doughnuts.

and here is our third doughnut of the day. i got this cute little doughnut made of natural ingredients such as whole grain and brown sugar etc. at the kunigami store. tasted like sata andagi (サーターアンダギー).